INFINITY is the idea that immersive reality, whether virtual, augmented or mixed, is a game-changing approach to collaborative, interactive data analysis through the entire intelligence cycle.

INFINITY's approach is that analysis must be immersive and collaborative. INFINITY will provide a virtual environment that will be accessible by remote participants.

Effective interaction is essential for INFINITY to deliver a truly immersive and collaborative product. This will be achieved through the use of innovative mechanisms that will enable users to fully engage with INFINITY and the task in hand.

INFINITY will develop a Virtual Investigative Assistant (VIA) to provide automated assistance to investigators and enable analysts to tailor data visualisations to meet their specific needs.
Project Details
The primary goals of INFINITY are; to revolutionise data driven investigations through the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics to facilitate effectiveness of an investigation and utilise modern innovations in virtual reality, augmented reality and visual analytics in order to facilitate a better intel cycle. Both of which will be driven by end-users and designed to address law enforcement needs.
Consortium Partners
The INFINITY consortium has a well-balanced geographical spread with 20 consortium members, representing 10 EU member states plus 1 US partner. Consortium partners consist of end users, research centres and industry that together will combine expertise and enable a multidisciplinary approach to effectively completing the outcomes of the project.
Deliverables and Documents
Below is an overview of the INFINITY public deliverables, clearly stating the type, date of production, the entities responsible and the intended dissemination.